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Murat & Eleonora PASS - TANGO 2, Sibiu (includes 6 workshops + Milonga Pass) / 190 EUR

Murat & Eleonora PASS - TANGO 2, Sibiu (includes 6 workshops + Milonga Pass) / 190 EUR
Murat & Eleonora PASS - TANGO 2, Sibiu (includes 6 workshops + Milonga Pass) / 190 EUR

RO: Alăturați-vă echipei Tango2Sibiu pentru o experiență unică de tango argentinian! În perioada 11-14 iulie 2024, veți avea ocazia să dansați alături de instructori de top, să participați la seminarii și milongi și să vă bucurați de frumusețea palatului Brukental din orașului Avrig. Rezervați-vă acum locul și fiți parte din acest eveniment memorabil!

Acest PASS asigura accesul la toate seminariile cu Murat si Eleonora + toate milongile, ce au loc pe durata festivalului.

ATENTIE! Seminariile cu tehnica pentru femei, sustinute de Eleonora Kalganova, NU sunt incluse in acest pachet !


EN: Join the Tango2Sibiu team for a unique Argentine tango experience! From July 11-14, 2024, you will have the opportunity to dance with top instructors, participate in seminars and milongas, and enjoy the beauty of the Brukental Palace, in the city of Avrig. Reserve your spot now and be part of this memorable event!

This PASS provides access to all seminars with Murat and Eleonora + all milongas taking place during the festival.

ATTENTION! The women's technique seminars, held by Eleonora Kalganova, are NOT included in this package.


  • WS 1 - Accident free dancing which comes from deeper connection in the embrace.
  • WS 2 - Parada is a meeting point. Preparing moments in the dance to hit more of those magical moments.
  • WS 3 - Cross system is the new parallel system. Improving our technique so it doesn’t matter what foot you are on.
  • WS 4 - Colgadas. Time to tune up our technique of sharing the space.
  • WS 5 - The etiquette of dancing tango. Special hints from Murat and Eleonora to be the desired dancer in milongas.
  • WS 6 - Musicality with Murat. Inspiration from Oppenheimer with Hans Zimmer. Using the incomparable power of silence in dancing.
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: tango2sb-24_mep